The Nordix Team includes Certified Engineers with vast expertise, relevant past performance, and strong vendor relationships. NORDIX has the past performance with infrastructure design, implementation and sustainment of technologies to include:

• WAN Technologies and Transition
• WAN Optimization (Optimizers, Quality of Service, Capacity Planning)
• Wireless LAN
• Voice-over IP
• LAN Technologies, etc.
• Security/IA Hardware (Firewalls, VPN, IDS/IPS, DLP, SWG)


The Company works closely with its clients in the initial review process to gather information spanning the Project scope, Technology and Security domain requirements.

Our experts will help develop a solution to meet all stated requirements. If a specific product vendor’s solution is part of the requirement, we’ll contact them directly to participate in the design phase. Otherwise, we’ll evaluate available technology from all vendors and identify the best product to meet your requirement.

Once all products are selected, we perform integrated systems-level testing of the complete solution to validate that all components work seamlessly together per the design and provide you with a comprehensive test plan, with expected, measured results. We perform an in-depth technical and quality assurance review to ensure the best possible solution is developed – one that is clearly documented for you.

We provide the client with a comprehensive and professional product that documents the results of our work during every step of the process and the resulting optimal solution to meet your business and operational needs.

“Exceptional” customer satisfaction PROVES that we provide the quality you expect.