The Company has the expertise to integrate and manage large-scale projects across several technological Platforms. Our role include: Planning, Executing, and Closing Projects — defining the project, building its comprehensive work plan, assessing the risks and managing to the budget. Our work includes:


• Planning project goals.
• Stakeholder Mapping: This involves analyzing and identifying stakeholders to make sure their wants will be met.
• Forming the team working with stakeholders to ensure project success.
• Developing the project charter: This is the formal approval of the project to be proceeding.


The project plan includes:
• Developing a structure for work breakdown: To find out each of the project tasks.
• Preparing a work schedule for the project: To take all of the tasks from the work breakdown structure and arrange them in time sequence so that we formalize schedule
• Define the resource requirements:
• Writing a risk plan: To identify the rank and manage the risk. This will help to moderate the risks and uncover the opportunities.
• Preparing a quality plan: This describes how quality will be managed all through the lifecycle of the project to make ensure the quality of the deliverables and the project.
• Writing a plan for communication management: With partners, project managers and stakeholders


In the implementation phase. We will oversee all the facets of the project to ensure proper execution, including:

• The Project team development and management
• Keeping the stakeholders informed and controlling the expectations
• Reporting and measuring on progress and performance.
• Controlling and monitoring the cost to stay within budget.
• Monitoring the quality and risk.
• Taking corrective action if required.


The closure phase is the final phase of the project. We will convey the finished venture to the proprietor, conceding the commitments made to the archives and ensure that all stakeholders are satisfied.